Sun 05 Jan
SoO SeXY SoO SweeT💓💗——💖💫BLonDe HoTTie 💓💗——💖💫100%ReaL w GrEAT ReVieWs💓💗 ToTaL GiRL-NeXT-DooR—💖💫💓💗——💖💫 - 28
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, San Jose AirPort incall/outcall*ViSiTiNG)
ReAdY (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) AmAzInG ThIcK BlUe EyEd ItAlIaN GoDdEsS (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) 24/7 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Visiting Downtown San Jose - N First St)
❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤GORGEOUS █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆♥ BLONDE ♥◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ KNOCKOUT ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, ♥♥San Jose♥♥Visiting Blonde!♥♥)
Hello guys...My name is Sofia . I'm a , hot, Ready For You Guys - 24
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, VISITING SAN JOSE DOWNTOWN NOW)
Sat 04 Jan
*~ Well Reviewed! Busty Victoria 36F & Hosting in SAN JOSE 408 Thurs-Sat~* - 27
(San Jose Incall or 408/650/831 Outcalls)
★ ————1OO!!!——— _NEW BLONDE__ 💥💥💥 __ 💥💥💥__ BOMBSHELL __💥💥 ———★ NEW IN TOWN——————— - 23
(Milpitas, Milpitas VISITING NOW!! Call ME!!, San Jose / South Bay)
*~ Well Reviewed! Busty Victoria 36F & Hosting in SAN JOSE 408 Thurs-Sat~* - 27
(San Jose Incall or 408/650/831 Outcalls)
___Petite .:*¨¨*:. Hot_ Sexy_ &_ Ready_ .:*¨¨*:. 1OO_ $_ SPECiAL_ .:*¨¨*:. Available 24/7____ - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Visiting Sunnyvale*** incalls**)
❀—— Gorgeous College Dream Girl Available 24/7... 110% REAL!! ——❀ - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Milpitas/San Jose/Santa Clara/Sunnyvale)
Blonde Barbie Visiting SJ area 4 a few days *DBLs Avail!Call NOW to Set up App! - 21
(San Jose / South Bay)
»» TREAT YOURSELF »» _Thick & Fun _ (( Only ViSiTiNG )) _ YOU Deserve (( ME )) __»» 1OO% Real - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Visiting Downtown San Jose - N First St)
🎀ULTiMaTe BLONDE HoTTie🎀 🎀#1 SWeeTHeART 🎀 ▬🎀 w Great ReViEWeS🎀 ▬🎀PeRKy & Petite GiRL-NeXT-DooR - 28
(**Los Gatos**Incall/Outcall*ViSiTiNG*, City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
◣◥◣◥◣ Smoking HOT Brunette Dream Girl Visiting MILPITAS! ◥◣◥◣◥ - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Fremont/Milpitas/Santa Clara/Sunnyvale)
☎️☎️ Im new visiting san jose very short time ☎️☎️ - 22
(Mountain View, San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale, campbell, milpitas, fremond)
= ThE ULtiMAtE GF eXPERiENCe = hOTTESt aSAin iN tOWn = jApAnESe & cReOLe = 5☆ TRATMNT - 19
(Santa Clara/San Jose & Bay Area Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
*:* *StUnNiNg :* *BeAuTiFuL * *sO SExY *: * BRuNeTTe ViXeN!! LoVeS 2 PLaY!! 1 5 0 hR sPeCiAL!! - - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, Visiting Sunyvalle in/out 101 freeway!!!)
SoO SeXY SoO SweeT💓💗——💖💫BLonDe HoTTie 💓💗——💖💫100%ReaL w GrEAT ReVieWs💓💗——💖💫ToTaL GirL-Next-Door💓💗——💖💫 - 28
(San Clara Incall/outcall*ViSiTiNG*, San Jose / South Bay)
(¯`★´¯) NeW ★HOTT ★BlK & WhT LaTiNa (¯`★´¯) 100 SPECIALS - 19
BEAUTiFUL ITALiAN BARBiE ❤ —————————— ❤ ———————SEXY BOMBESHELL —————————❤ —————SWEET & PiNK! - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, Milpitas ❤ visiting specials 100 100)
BeAuty with BoOty >> Cute & Friendly
(San Jose / South Bay, SanJose(INCALL)SantaClara SunnyVale&Near;)
____ ______ ___* H_______ O_______ T_______ T_________ E_______ S_______ T* ________ BLONDE - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Milpitas, Out & In......VISITING NOW!!)
♡ BAMBI ♡ ❤ Petite Curve TRUE Exotic Beauty ❤ - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose,santa clara,sunnyvale VISITING)
100%.... New Asian Student Here ...5 / 27 / 15....Special Services.....San Jose.....408-406-7361... - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose/Santa Clara/Milpitas)
100% REAL PICS ★ SeXy LaTina ★ ★ TiNy & PeTiTe - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, VISITING MILPITAS ( Dont Miss out ))
Hello guys...My name is Sofia . I'm a , hot, Ready For You Guys - 24
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, VISITING SAN JOSE DOWNTOWN NOW)
Thu 02 Jan
★ ————1OO!!!——— _NEW BLONDE__ 💥💥💥 __ 💥💥💥__ BOMBSHELL __💥💥 ———★ NEW IN TOWN——————— - 23
(Milpitas, Milpitas VISITING NOW!! Call ME!!, San Jose / South Bay)
Latinas& Indian barbie! Specials all night Ready to play👯👯 - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose area)
🎀ULTiMaTe BLONDE HoTTie🎀 🎀#1 SWeeTHeART 🎀 ▬🎀 w Great ReViEWeS🎀 ▬🎀PeRKy & Petite GiRL-NeXT-DooR - 28
(**Los Gatos**Incall/Outcall*ViSiTiNG*, City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
SoO SeXY SoO SweeT💓💗——💖💫BLonDe HoTTie 💓💗——💖💫100%ReaL w GReAT ReVieWs💓💗——💖💫ToTaL GirL-NexT-DooR - 28
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara incall/outcall*ViSiTiNG*)