Mon 27 Jan
Sexy Asian Malena Price Visiting 2 nite only - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Down Town / San Jose incall and outcall)
11in MONSTER !!! Up Scale location ☆☆☆☆☆ FF Ready 2 BLAST Off ! ♡♡♡ - 27
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWN TOWN SAN JOSE up scale location)
extremely sexy Ts Sonia First Time in Town visiting Now - 23
(Down town San Jose ❤💙💚💛💜, San Jose / South Bay)
DOMINANT ♡♡12 Inch Top♡♡ visiting Downtown San Jose☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆upscale discreet location☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWN TOWN SAN JOSE up scale location)
No fake pic no Photoshop top and bottom come see u self .100% 24/7 - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose down town)
Sat 11 Jan
*:•©•:* EXTREMELY •©•:* EXOTIC LaTiNA *:•©•:*Fully FuNcTiOnAl* :•:* 9IN_HOTTIE!!!* :•©VISI†ING - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, down town area)
Try THE Best 10in SHOOTER☆☆☆COME WORSHIP All of Me ♡ video & photo proof of candy - 26
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWN TOWN SAN JOSE up scale location)
Fri 10 Jan
——— *★*——— SO HOT ——— *★*——— SO SWEET @— *★*——— SO SEXY———GIRL JUST ARRIVED!—— - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose down town)
HELLO VISITING,U WONT be disappointed beauty QUEEN - 28
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose CA down town san jose)
Stunning Ts kimberly In San Jose..ready Now.visiting short time only - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose down town)
I am a Beautiful latin TS ! and a Smile that lights up any room..ts kimberly - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose down town)
Thu 09 Jan
extremely Passionate Ts Sonia visiting Now👄💛👄💛 - 23
(Down town San Jose ❤💙💚💛💜, San Jose / South Bay)
Wed 08 Jan
extremely Passionate Ts Sonia visiting Now👄💛👄💛 - 23
(Down town San Jose ❤💙💚💛💜, San Jose / South Bay)
I am a Beautiful latin TS ! and a Smile that lights up any room..ts kimberly - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose down town)
HELLO VISITING,U WONT be disappointed beauty QUEEN - 28
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose CA down town san jose)
Tue 07 Jan
Stunning Ts kimberly In San Jose..ready Now.visiting short time only - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose down town)
wh3N yOu LoOk l!k£ mE tHeReS nO n33D †0 use fake pics ReadY CaLL Me NoW!L@§† Dåÿ 9FULLy functual - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, down town area)
Mon 06 Jan
wh3N yOu LoOk l!k£ mE tHeReS nO n33D †0 use fake pics ReadY CaLL Me NoW!L@§† Dåÿ 9FULLy functual - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, down town area)
11in MONSTER !!! Up Scale location ☆☆☆☆☆ FF Ready 2 BLAST Off ! ♡♡♡ - 27
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWN TOWN SAN JOSE up scale location)
No fake pic no Photoshop top and bottom come see u self .100% 24/7 - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose down town)
Sun 05 Jan
Sexy Asian Malena Price Visiting 2 nite only - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Down Town / San Jose incall and outcall)
——— *★*——— SO HOT ——— *★*——— SO SWEET @— *★*——— SO SEXY———GIRL JUST ARRIVED!—— - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose down town)
extremely Passionate Ts Sonia visiting Now👄💛👄💛 - 23
(Down town San Jose ❤💙💚💛💜, San Jose / South Bay)
Sat 04 Jan
Super Passable Transexual Ts Brianna In San Jose Few Days Only💋💋👌 - 23
(Down town San Jose 💥💥💥, San Jose / South Bay)
Fri 03 Jan
Super Passable Transexual Ts Brianna In San Jose Few Days Only💋💋👌 - 23
(Down town San Jose 💥💥💥, San Jose / South Bay)
extremely sexy Ts Sonia First Time in Town visiting Now - 23
(Down town San Jose ❤💙💚💛💜, San Jose / South Bay)
DOMINANT ♡♡12 Inch Top♡♡ visiting Downtown San Jose☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆upscale discreet location☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWN TOWN SAN JOSE up scale location)
*:•©•:* EXTREMELY •©•:* EXOTIC LaTiNA *:•©•:*Fully FuNcTiOnAl* :•:* 9IN_HOTTIE!!!* :•©VISI†ING - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, down town area)
Thu 02 Jan