Mon 27 Jan
SWEEET... __**...ASiAN... __**...MASSAGE - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose downtown 101 .880 fwy)
*•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE WHAT I DO ☆°o*•° SuPer FreaKy ITALIAN Playmate ☆°o*•° - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWNTOWN ((101//880)) ((INCALLS)))
***BLoNde lAtiNA MaMI *** SpeCiALs aLl NigHt pApI!Lets plAy - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, 880/101/DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE)
★ SuPeR H0T BBW NaTuRal 44F 5O SpECiAl ★ ★ - 27
(San Jose / South Bay, 880 & The Alameda / Downtown San Jose)
SWEEET... __**...ASiAN... __**...MASSAGE - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, san jose downtown 101 .880 fwy)
** EnTeR If YoU ** DaRe To Be PlEaSeD ♪*★ By The BEST Latina - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Downtown San Jose Brokaw Off 101/880)
Sun 26 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
★ SuPeR H0T BBW NaTuRal 44F 5O SpECiAl ★ ★ - 27
(San Jose / South Bay, 880 & The Alameda / Downtown San Jose)
Fri 10 Jan
{{R@inEy D@y SpEci@L$}} YoUr #1 pErSoNaLS PLeAsUrE PrOviDeR iN c@LL$ OuTcALLs 24/7 SOUTHBAY OUT CALL - 18
(San Jose Downtown (Airport) 101-880)
💕 Sexy Red Knows the Art of Intimacy and Seduction 💕 Downtown Upscale Incall - 33
(City of San Jose, Downtown Incall The Alameda & 880, San Jose / South Bay)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
💕 Sexy Red Knows the Art of Intimacy and Seduction 💕 Downtown Upscale Incall - 33
(City of San Jose, Downtown Incall The Alameda & 880, San Jose / South Bay)
Mon 06 Jan
*•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE WHAT I DO ☆°o*•° SuPer FreaKy ITALIAN Playmate ☆°o*•° - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWNTOWN ((101//880)) ((INCALLS)))
Sun 05 Jan
{{R@inEy D@y SpEci@L$}} YoUr #1 pErSoNaLS PLeAsUrE PrOviDeR iN c@LL$ OuTcALLs 24/7 SOUTHBAY OUT CALL - 18
(San Jose Downtown (Airport) 101-880)
Sat 04 Jan
ASiiAN GoDDest _ LAST NIGHT iiN T0WN_ SPECiiALS _ (((♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥ ))) __50 // 120 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Downtown San Jose , Highway 880 -)
»--(¯`v´¯)-» DELiCiOUS L A T i N A Treat 4 U *BEAUTiFUL & SEXY »--(¯`v´¯)-» $100 specials - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, DOWNTOWN San Jose Incall & Outcalls)
** EnTeR If YoU ** DaRe To Be PlEaSeD ♪*★ By The BEST Latina - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Downtown San Jose Brokaw Off 101/880)
Fri 03 Jan
ASiiAN GoDDest _ LAST NIGHT iiN T0WN_ SPECiiALS _ (((♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥ ))) __50 // 120 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Downtown San Jose , Highway 880 -)
***BLoNde lAtiNA MaMI *** SpeCiALs aLl NigHt pApI!Lets plAy - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, 880/101/DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE)
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* BARBIE-DOLL .*¨¨*-:¦:-* Gorgeous .*¨¨*-:¦:-* MODEL LIKE BEAUTY .*¨¨ - 23
(DownTown San Jose/880)
Thu 02 Jan