Mon 24 Feb
Come relax with young vietnamese girlfriend🍎🍎🔥🔥🛫 408-694-2666
(2061 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, CA 95125)
Fri 10 Jan
~~Looking 4 a classy yet NASTY good time???*** Filipina in SAN JOSE ** Willow Glen - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, IN CALL-- willow glen)
Tue 07 Jan
ߒܰߒܰߒ ExoTiC BruNeTTe 1000% ReaL & PuRe xX FuN ߒܠBuStY & PeTiTe ߒTiGHT BoDyߒܠ- - 24
(OUTCALL ONLY, San Jose / South Bay)
= ThE ULtiMAtE GF eXPERiENCe = hOTTESt aSAin iN tOWn = jApAnESe & cReOLe = 5☆ TRATMNT - 19
(Santa Clara/San Jose & Bay Area Outcalls)
~~Looking 4 a classy yet NASTY good time???*** Filipina in SAN JOSE ** Willow Glen - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, IN CALL-- willow glen)
Mon 06 Jan
NYE Special *~*~* Gorgeous Filipina Beauty *~*~*~ In Willow Glen - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, In call in WILLOW GLEN)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
College is in / "Time for Recess " Hottie Playmate ......... ......... ..... - 21
(Concord , Vallejo , San Ramon , WalnutCr)
= ThE ULtiMAtE GF eXPERiENCe = hOTTESt aSAin iN tOWn = jApAnESe & cReOLe = 5☆ TRATMNT - 19
(Santa Clara/San Jose & Bay Area Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
NYE Special *~*~* Gorgeous Filipina Beauty *~*~*~ In Willow Glen - 29
(San Jose / South Bay, In call in WILLOW GLEN)
Thu 02 Jan