Mon 27 Jan
~~ ~ BIG BOOTY *** MIXED CUTIE *** ON DUTIE ~~ ~ Incall Specials - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose-Campbell -Los Gatos-Morgan Hill)
•• 408 775 2792 ••• SeXy LaTiNa •••60_80_150 •••SAN JOSE•Incalls•• - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, San jose-fremont-campbell-milpitas)
Sat 11 Jan
LaTiNa |*|60 SpEcIaLs |*| * 101/CA85 SJ INCALL* |*| - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, SOUTH SJ 101+CA85hwy//SOUTHBAY OUTCALLS)
Tue 07 Jan
•= ThE ULtiMAtE GF eXPERiENCe =• hOTTESt aSAin iN tOWn •= jApAnESe & cReOLe =• 5☆ TR€ATM€NT • - 19
(Santa Clara/San Jose & Bay Area Outcalls)
Sun 05 Jan
Incall & Outcall Colombian & Armenian goddess ☆☆☆ Come play with my perfect body ☆ - 21
(Sunnyvale, Fremont Incall / Outcalls to you 😘)
~~ ~ BIG BOOTY *** MIXED CUTIE *** ON DUTIE ~~ ~ Incall Specials - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose-Campbell -Los Gatos-Morgan Hill)
Sat 04 Jan
College is in / "Time for Recess " Hottie Playmate ......... ......... ..... - 21
(Concord , Vallejo , San Ramon , WalnutCr)
•= ThE ULtiMAtE GF eXPERiENCe =• hOTTESt aSAin iN tOWn •= jApAnESe & cReOLe =• 5☆ TR€ATM€NT • - 19
(Santa Clara/San Jose & Bay Area Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
•• 408 775 2792 ••• SeXy LaTiNa •••60_80_150 •••SAN JOSE•Incalls•• - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, San jose-fremont-campbell-milpitas)
LaTiNa |*|60 SpEcIaLs |*| * 101/CA85 SJ INCALL* |*| - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, SOUTH SJ 101+CA85hwy//SOUTHBAY OUTCALLS)
Thu 02 Jan