Mon 27 Jan
!!!!!!! NeW *tO *ThE *aReA*****CoMe *ShOw *Me *WhAt I BeeN *mIsSinG!!!!! - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Upscale Santa Clara and Surroundings)
****** =) =) SEXY ITaLiAN BeAuTy * =) ReAdY tO PLEASE aLL yOuR NeEd'S =) - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Upscale Santa Clara and Surroundings)
Thu 09 Jan
!!!!!!! NeW *tO *ThE *aReA*****CoMe *ShOw *Me *WhAt I BeeN *mIsSinG!!!!! - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Upscale Santa Clara and Surroundings)
Sun 05 Jan